Each month, one family with a medically complex baby or child is selected to receive a portion of the profits from Legendairy Milk as part of the Legendairy Littles program.
In January we are focusing on Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). SMA is a genetic condition that affects the nervous system that controls voluntary muscle movements and is the number one genetic killer of infants under the age of two. One out of every forty people carries the gene that affects newborns diagnosed with SMA. Sadly there are no newborn screenings in place to help prepare parents that their newborn may be affected by SMA. Depending on the type of SMA there is a medication that may help treat or stop symptoms; however there is no known cure. The diagnosis is not known until symptoms begin to appear.
For the first five months of life, Farah was a healthy baby who was breastfeeding like a champ. Farah will turn one at the end of January and has the most beautiful smile. At only five months old she suddenly lost the ability to swallow. Without the ability to swallow, she required a feeding tube to be placed and her dedicated Mom began to pump to supply Farah with her milk. Farah now requires medical care and specialized equipment 24 hours a day.
During the month of January, a portion of Legendairy Milk’s profits will be donated to Farah’s family to assist with the expenses associated with her around the clock care and multiple weekly doctor visits. If you would like to nominate your family for the Legendairy Littles program, please email us at littles@legendairymilk.com.